Monday, October 7, 2013

Copy Cat (?)

how does it feel when someone copy-ing your work or creation? it doesn't feels good indeed!
let me tell you something. someone could spend their whole time only to imagine or creating something new or great or etc, then another person came, copy-ing. it definitely ruins everything! how could it be so polite?
as long as we able to create or imagine something, have time, potential, do what you gotta do, do what you can, somehow it is necessary to push yourself to the limit.
don't being such a "copycat". instead, it will ruins everything, it really is. please appreciate what people's do. if you want to be appreciated, appreciate others first.
so, are you one of 'em?

"innovate don't imitate" 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Independence Day

i know it's tooo late but i just wanna post some photos of our activity on Independence Day at Grahadi. yes, we did sing some songs! :)

with Fajri , Bilqis , Novi , Sasya , Talitha , etc

Flash Task

after spending hours-days working on this task, eventually I finished it at the middle of the night. That's a big relief for me, Alhamdulillah! It was really tiring, but I'm happy with what I did 'cause I directly got the inspiration which it really excites me, and.....I love the value's decor hehe :D

this is how it looks like, my little Flash project, which reflects about how we used to

how we use earth-how we make it as benefit-how we take a good care-how we destroy it-how we suffering without it
it is now or never to save our earth from harm
we can start from making a little change for a better life.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Quote of The Day

"If you continuously compete with others, you become bitter. But if you continuously compete with yourself, you become better."
- Unknown -

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Waking Up

Starting today, we have to stop consume fast food or such as junk food. We do know it is not good for us and neither for animals and others, but sometimes people still consume it for some reason. Manage how you eat, how your health would be, it is all on your own :)
just watch and somehow you'll be awaken then;)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cat's Power!

I'm sooo in love with this video teaser of Katy Perry. It attracted me with those cuties and with the tittle also, "From A Meow To A Roar". sooooo lovely!!!
and this reminds me of my lil cat, Dora. cute isn't it? ^^

Monday, August 26, 2013

Idea For Indonesia

Indonesia sebenarnya sudah berkembang. Lebih tepatnya sudah mempunyai rencana untuk lebih maju lagi, namun terkadang sarana dan prasarana belum sepenuhnya memadahi.
Saya mempunyai ide untuk membuat Indonesia lebih maju (Insya Allah), yang lebih tepatnya di bidang transportasi. Mengingat bahwa jalan raya di kota-kota besar telah padat, Saya ingin membuat kereta bawah tanah atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Metro, demi mengurangi padatnya jalanan kota. Kita bisa pergi ke tempat-tempat tertentu dengan waktu singkat tanpa hambatan macet. Di Surabaya pun sebenarnya juga sudah berencana untuk membuat kereta bawah tanah, tetapi sarana dan prasarananya yang dimungkinkan belum memadahi, seperti biaya, waktu, tempat, dll.
Namun, hal utama yang perlu dilakukan adalah merubah mindset rakyat dari negara itu sendiri. Jika suatu negara sudah siap untuk lebih maju, tetapi pemikiran rakyatnya masih belum siap, semua hal/ide itu akan menjadi sia-sia.


Hello! I made this blog yesterday soooo I'm newbie here! :)