Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Flash Task

after spending hours-days working on this task, eventually I finished it at the middle of the night. That's a big relief for me, Alhamdulillah! It was really tiring, but I'm happy with what I did 'cause I directly got the inspiration which it really excites me, and.....I love the value's decor hehe :D

this is how it looks like, my little Flash project, which reflects about how we used to

how we use earth-how we make it as benefit-how we take a good care-how we destroy it-how we suffering without it
it is now or never to save our earth from harm
we can start from making a little change for a better life.


anang said...

wah bagus banget, nih download software Simulasi SBMPTN Disini gratis dan dapat menghitung apakah kamu dapat masuk PTN.

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